It gives me great pleasure to announce that the following individuals have been promoted, as of July 1, 2024:

  • Sarah Benson-Amram (Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences / Department of Zoology)
    • Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure
  • Maja Krzic (Faculty of Land and Food Systems / Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences)
    • Promotion to the rank of Professor
  • Shannon Hagerman (Department of Forest Resources Management)
    • Promotion to the rank of Professor
  • Hisham Zerriffi (Department of Forest Resources Management)
    • Promotion to the rank of Professor

Please join me in congratulating Sarah, Maja, Shannon, and Hisham!  I’m sure that you will agree that each of these individuals are making incredible contributions to the Faculty of Forestry community and our academic mission through their teaching, research, service, mentorship, and extension.  These recognitions are incredibly well-deserved.

All the best,
