Sent on behalf of Terry Sunderland, Director International Cooperation and Carlos Ormond, Director of Indigenous and Intercultural Initiatives:

Hello faculty, staff, and graduate students,

I hope this email finds you all well. Over the last year both myself and Carlos Ormond, Director of Indigenous and Intercultural Initiatives, have had a number of discussions with colleagues in our faculty on their interest in connecting with others within our own faculty who work in the same regions of the world as they do.

As a result, I am sending out a call for expressions of interest to all of you – faculty, staff, and graduate students – in joining one or more Regional Working Groups we are establishing in the Faculty of Forestry that aim to facilitate, and strengthen, communication and collaboration among those in our faculty who work in similar regions.

The idea would be that members in each Regional Working Group might value meeting with one another semi-annually to discuss programs and research that they are currently involved in and plan to be involved with;  as well as potentially facilitating collaborations that are faculty-wide in these regions.

The suggested six Regional Working Groups are:

  1. Africa
  2. Europe and the Middle East
  3. Indo-Pacific
  4. Latin America and the Caribbean
  5. North America
  6. Oceania

Carlos and I will play a support role to each working group, helping to coordinate and organize meetings and the like so that you, the members, aren’t taking on more work and can focus on connecting with colleagues at these meetings.

If you have interest in joining one or more of these Regional Working Groups , please click this link below to a Qualtrics form that will simply ask you for your name, email, and selection of Regional Working Groups: Qualtrics Form to Register into a UBC FoF Regional Working Group

Carlos and I will aim to host inaugural meetings for each region later this fall or early winter; so if you are interested in joining one or more Regional Working Groups please do sign up soon.

