Submitted on behalf of Hisham Zerriffi, Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Dear Colleagues,
I’d like to make you aware of two new resources:
Resources & Steps for Harassment & Discrimination Complaints
The Faculty of Forestry is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace where harassment and discrimination in any form are not tolerated. We strive to create an environment where such behaviour is seen as antithetical to the values of the collective working and learning community to which we all belong. We also want to create a community where those that face harassment or discrimination feel supported in coming forward. To that end, we have put together a flowchart on how to disclose or report an incident of harassment or discrimination (whether yourself or as a witness) and an accompanying FAQ. Please see the link below. The flowchart will also be distributed around the building and to individuals in the faculty.
The Faculty of Forestry’s Read/Watch/Listen list for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) is a compilation of resources for people both within and outside the UBC Faculty of Forestry to engage in self-directed learning related to JEDI issues. We have hand-picked resources that focus on themes of JEDI in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), academia, or the broader environmental field.
We’ll also be tweeting out about the list and specific items on the list here if you want to follow:
I would like to extend my gratitude to Georgina Preston, the JEDI Administrative Coordinator and Special Projects lead for her work on both of these resources as well as the Faculty’s Communications team (especially Sonya Adloff and Fabian Lozano) for their assistance in producing these resources and Estefanía Milla Moreno for helping promote these on our social media account.
As always, if you have any questions about anything EDI related, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.