Sent on behalf of Prof. Sarah Gergel, Associate Dean, Academic
Dear faculty –
I encourage you all to join us for a special opportunity to learn more about peer review of teaching from our own Simon Ellis.
As you may be aware, a summative “peer review of teaching” report is required as part of all cases being considered for reappointment, tenure and promotion in the Faculty of Forestry. Simon has been in charge of this process as the Chair of the Faculty of Forestry Peer Review of Teaching Committee for 10 years. We thank him for his dedicated service and are happy to announce that he has offered to share some of his experiences with us next month.
This session will cover some of the governing principles for such reviews. Differences and similarities between formative and summative reviews will be explained, and the steps of preparing for and performing a peer review of teaching will be outlined. This session should be of value not only to pre-tenure individuals but also to those planning on a post-tenure promotion review. It should also be of value to the mentoring committee since those committees are responsible for the formative peer reviews of teaching in Forestry.
Date and Time: Tuesday, June 21, 10:00-11:30 am
Location: CWAP 2916 or Zoom, coffee and snacks will be provided, please let us know whether you will be joining in-person or online in the registration form.